Tag Archives: amnesty international

Amnesty International Write for Rights December 7-10

One letter can change a life.

Beloved Community Church, The Abbey and Saint Junia UMC invite you to participate in an ecumenical Advent effort to support human rights.

We will be writing letters for Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign, which focuses this year on 12 human rights cases around the globe. Our letters can free Prisoners of Conscience (people imprisoned for their beliefs or identity), halt executions, stop torture and change lives.

We’ll have a letter writing table set up at our next door neighbor, The Abbey coffee shop (131a 41st St. S, Birmingham) from 5:00-7:00 pm on December 7, 9, and 10. Information about the cases, sample letters, and writing materials will be provided.

Join us to Write for Rights!

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