Lenten reflection from Marianne Dreyspring


I remember discovering as a child that I could float on my back if I got in water that was over my head. What a relief when I got tired of swimming just to turn over and rest on my back. I still need to rest when I get in the deep waters of life.

I am grateful that Lent comes along every year so I can get relief from the world’s pressures. I get to go for six weeks to another plane of existence, that of the spirit. There someone waits to hold me up. My Father knows and accepts me just as I am, a relief from the judging physical world.

During the Season of Lent I will take some quiet moments to pray every morning before rising: 
“My soul finds rest in God alone…
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” 
(Psalm 62)

And I will refresh myself at regular intervals during the day with this psalm.

-Marianne Dreyspring

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