Children’s church at Beloved

022312posterwinner_1089536aNugeen Aftab, a student at East Lakota High School in Liberty, Ohio, won the 11th grade art competition for this poster in the 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Art, Writing and Multimedia Contest, sponsored by the Ohio Civil Rights Commission.  

The theme of the contest was “The Quest for Pace and Justice”, a speech that Dr. King delivered during a lecture that brought him the Nobel Peace Prize.  

As the daughter of parents, Kamran and Sarwat Aftab, who were Pakistani immigrants, Nugeen has a personal experience of the American melting pot.  

The writing on Nugeen’s ‘melting pot’ reads:  America is One.  People, we are many.  Together we must resolve our problems and come together IN PEACE. 

50 years ago Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his oft repeated observation that “Sunday at 11am is the most segregated hour in this nation.”

Today, fewer than seven percent of US churches are considered to be racially or economically diverse.

Since oping its doors in 2000, Beloved Community Church has consistently made racial, economic and cultural diversity in its congregation a primary goal of its mission and ministry.

Children’s Church at Beloved explores  meanings and mystery in the Bible while nurturing creativity and a careful understanding of cultures from around the world.

All children and teens are enthusiastically invited to attend.  No requirements expected of parents or children.

If you would like to know more about Beloved Community Church or Children’s Church at Beloved, please contact:

Rev. Angie Wright

(205) 595-6080

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